Breakthrough to Purpose
for Students
More energy. Less anxiety.
School comes with so much pressure, but you don't have to crumble under the weight of it. You can achieve your goals with an action plan that creates movement in your life!
Discover Your Dreams and Desires
You may discover hidden dreams or confirm the ones you're already working toward. Either way, move forward in confidence.
Check What's Working and What's Not
We'll help you figure out what you're currently doing that's working, identify things that aren't, and shine the light on areas you might get stuck.
Make a Plan That Works!
With Breakthrough To Purpose, we will show you have to make an action plan that actually moves you toward your goals!
Learn the skill of creating action plans that work!
In this three-hour , one-on-one session with your personal coach, you'll take a deep dive into your goals for the next 4-6 months and learn how to make an action plan that's
- realistic,
- doable,
- inspiring,
- and includes built-in accountability that works for you!
Get started today!
If you want to breakthrough to your purpose today, fill out this simple form, and Leah will be in contact with you ASAP to chat next steps.