Everything I Do Is About Creating Forward Movement.

We all have somewhere we'd like our lives to be. Or we have a better version of ourselves in mind. My heart is to help people like you clearly identify what that is, make a step-by-step plan to get there, and then work the plan. It's not about meeting the expectations of others. It's about moving forward, consistently, toward where we want to be.

Leah Sequeira

Leah Sequeira is the founder of Core Coaching. She serves as a Leadership and Integrity Coach. She has worked with large audiences as well as helped individuals recognize and strive to attain unrealized dreams, helped prepare teams for the mission field, and assisted individuals in satisfying their craving to live more intentional lives, aligned with their priorities. Although she has no biological children, she has five, “adopted” 30-year-old daughters, who she adores. She currently resides in Bryan, Texas.